
Tools & Calculators

Estimate your Income Tax for the current year

Estimate how much Income Tax and National Insurance you should pay for the current tax year

Calculate your employee’s statutory sick pay

Work out your employee’s Statutory Sick Pay

PAYE tax calculator

Check your payroll calculations

Estimate your Income Tax for a previous tax year

Use this service to estimate how much Income Tax you should have paid for a previous tax year.

Calculate your leave and pay when you have a child

Find out if you can get maternity, paternity or shared parental leave – for employees

Maternity, Adoption and paternity calculator for employers

Calculate your employee’s: Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), paternity pay, adoption pay, relevant employment period and average weekly earnings, and leave period

Calculate your statutory redundancy pay

Calculate how much statutory redundancy you can get. It’s based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job.

Calculate holiday entitlement

Use this tool to calculate holiday entitlement for a full leave year or part of a leave year, if the job started or finished part way through the year.

Budget for your Self Assessment tax bill if you're self-employed

Use the self-employed ready reckoner to budget for your Self Assessment tax bill for the 2023 to 2024 tax year.

Calculate National Insurance contributions

Calculate your employee’s National Insurance contributions

Tax credits calculator

Estimate of how much in tax credits you could get in total

SDLT calculator

Work out how much SDLT you need to pay when buying or transferring land or property

Work out your tax if you're a non-resident selling UK property or land

How to work out your taxable capital gain or loss if you are not resident in the UK and are making direct or indirect disposals of UK property or land.

Tax when you sell shares

Calculate your Capital Gains Tax on the sale of shares

Tax when you sell property

Calculate your Capital Gains Tax on the sale of property

Child Benefit tax calculator

Check if you need to pay the High Income Child Benefit Tax Charge

VAT payment deadline calculator

Work out the VAT payment deadline for your accounting period

Check your VAT FLat Rate

Calculate to check if you need to pay the higher rate or industry rate

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We’d love to show you how easy accounting can be with Accounting People on your side. Speak to our friendly advisors on 0333 311 0800 to see how we can help or get a callback whenever is most convenient.

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